Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Why yes i certainly do

That is a quite valid question. you could not drive because...
you got your licensce taken away
you don't have a car
you never went and got your licensce
you never passed the test
your car was stolen
you eat granola
your parents won't let you drive
you have an irrational fear of driving
you got a lot of speedin tickets
you get lost easily and therefore can not be trusted alone
you don't wanna get in cars because there is usually homeless people
you don't have any money for gas
your parents wont pay for insurance
you were in a wreck while havin your permit and now don't drive
you could live in a place where there are too many turtles in the road
your car got a skunk in it and now it smells
you fear your car will put toxic gasses into the enviorment
you would rather be shoffured around everywhere
you like the front door sercive you get by being dropped off
you are fat so you would rather walk
you don't live that far away
you have other means of transportation
you get a headache when burnin rubber
you are worried about gettin pulled over and having to recite the alphabet backwords


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